Marv Gaye - Compact Command Performanc: 20 Greatt Hs Album Reviews, Songs & More | AllMic

marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits

Fd release reviews and creds for Compact Command Performanc: 15 Greatt Hs - Marv Gaye on AllMic - Although every cut on this anthology is ...


    Disver Compact Command Performanc: 15 Greatt Hs by Marv Gaye released 1984. Fd album reviews, track lists, creds, awards and more at AllMic. * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    Marv Gaye. If you n't fd the three-disc Marv Gaye anthology (the bt Gaye greatt hs set), the boxed set, or eher of the Super Hs releas on vyl, then this one will do.

    1 kHz / 16 BSource: CDAlbum Artist: Marv GayeAlbum Name: Compact Command Performanc: 15 Greatt HsGenre: R&BRelease Date: 1983ArtWork: not cludTracklist:01. Marv Gaye: How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) [00:02:59]02. Marv Gaye: A't That Peculiar [00:03:00]03.

    Marv Gaye: I Heard Through the Grapeve [00:03:18]04.

    Download Marv Gaye - Compact Command Performanc - 15 Greatt Hs (1983) FLAC on our se ?24B ?Hi-R/MQA ?Wi Choice of Sgl and Albums ?Enter the webse :) * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    Marv Gaye: You're All I Need to Get By (wh Tammi Terrell) [00:02:50]05.

    Listen ee to Marv Gaye – Compact Command Performanc: 20 Greatt Hs (Stubborn Kd of Fellow, Hch Hike and more). 20 tracks (). Disver more mic, ncerts, vios, and pictur wh the largt talogue onle at * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    Marv Gaye: Your Prec Love (wh Diana Ross) [00:03:04]06. Marv Gaye: Too By Thkg About My Baby [00:02:59]07.

    Fd album release rmatn for Compact Command Performanc: 15 Greatt Hs by Marv Gaye on AllMic * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    Marv Gaye: That's the Way Love Is [00:03:38]08. Marv Gaye: What's Gog On [00:03:52]09.

    Compact Command Performanc: 15 Greatt Hs, a Compilatn of songs by Marv Gaye. Released 1983 on Tamla (talog no. TCD06069TD; CD). Genr: Soul. * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    Marv Gaye: Mercy Mercy Me (The Elogy) [00:03:14]10. Marv Gaye: Inner Cy Blu (Make Me Wanna Holler) [00:03:07]11. Marv Gaye: Trouble Man [00:03:50]12.

    * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    Marv Gaye: My Mistake (Was to Love You) (wh Diana Ross) [00:02:56]13. Marv Gaye: Let's Get On [00:04:02]14.

    Fd album cred rmatn for Compact Command Performanc: 15 Greatt Hs by Marv Gaye on AllMic * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    Marv Gaye: I Want You [Vol] [00:03:57]15. Marv Gaye: Got to Give Up [00:11:54] DOWNLOAD.

    Facebook (MarvGaye).

    Marv Pentz Gay, Jr.

    Listen ee to Marv Gaye – Compact Command Performanc: 15 Greatt Hs (How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You), A't That Peculiar and more). 15 tracks (49:37). Disver more mic, ncerts, vios, and pictur wh the largt talogue onle at * marvin gaye compact command performances 15 greatest hits *

    #TleArtistRatgLength1How Sweet It Is (to Be Loved by You)Marv Gaye53:002A't That PeculiarMarv Gaye3. 653:013I Heard It Through the Grapeveproducer:Norman Whfield dms (dm set):Richard "Pistol" Allen (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10) and Uriel Jon (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10)stments:The Funk Brothers (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10) an:Earl Van Dyke (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10)background vols:The Andant (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10)lead vols:Marv Gaye (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10)orchtra:Detro Symphony Orchtra (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10)rerd at:Hsville Detro, Michigan, Uned Stat (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10)part of:Rollg Stone Magaze’s 500 Greatt Songs of All Time (number: 80) and The Rollg Stone Magaze’s 500 Greatt Songs of All Time: 2021 edn (number: 119)rerdg of:I Heard It Through the Grapeve (om 1967-02-03 until 1967-04-10)wrer:Barrett Strong and Norman Whfieldpublisher:EMI Mic Publishg Ltd., EMI Songs Sndavia AB, Jobete Mic, Jobete Mic (UK) Ltd., Jobette-Carl Mic Ltd., Stone Agate Mic, Stone Agate Mic Divisn and ソニー・ミュージックパブリッシング フジパシフィック事業部rerdg of:I Heard It Through the Grapeve (on 1967-04-10)wrer:Barrett Strong and Norman Whfieldpublisher:EMI Mic Publishg Ltd., EMI Songs Sndavia AB, Jobete Mic, Jobete Mic (UK) Ltd., Jobette-Carl Mic Ltd., Stone Agate Mic, Stone Agate Mic Divisn and ソニー・ミュージックパブリッシング フジパシフィック事業部Marv Gaye3.

    93:184You're All I Need to Get ByMarv Gaye & Tammi Terrell4. 52:515Your Prec LoveMarv Gaye & Tammi Terrell43:056Too By Thkg About My BabyMarv Gaye42:597That's the Way Love IsMarv Gaye3:388What's Gog Onproducer:Marv Gayemixer:Lawrence Mil (on 1971-05-06)stments:Detro Symphony Orchtra (on 1971-05-06) and The Funk Brothers (on 1971-05-06) percsn [box dm], piano and lead vols:Marv Gaye (on 1971-05-06)background vols:Lem Barney (on 1971-05-06), Mel Farr (on 1971-05-06) and Marv Gaye (on 1971-05-06)nductor:David Van Pte (on 1971-05-06)rerd at:Hsville Detro, Michigan, Uned Stat (on 1971-05-06)part of:Helsg Sanomat: 100 maailman parasta llua (number: 4), Rollg Stone Magaze’s 500 Greatt Songs of All Time (number: 4) and The Rollg Stone Magaze’s 500 Greatt Songs of All Time: 2021 edn (number: 6)rerdg of:What’s Gog On (on 1971-05-06)lyricist and poser:Renaldo Benson, Al Cleveland and Marv Gayepublisher:FCG Mic, Jobete Mic Co., Inc., MG III Mic, NMG Mic, Sony/ATV Mic Publishg Ltd., Stone Agate Mic Corp., イーエムアイ音楽出版 フジパシフィック事業部 (until 2021-06-30) and ソニー・ミュージックパブリッシング フジパシフィック事業部 (om 2021-07-01 to prent)Marv Gaye4.

    253:539Mercy Mercy Me (The Elogy)Marv Gaye4.


    Compact Command Performanc; 15 Greatt Hs : Marv Gaye : Free Download, Borrow, and Streamg : Inter Archive .
