Camera In</tle><path d="M10.27 11.623c-2.02 0-3.666-1.644-3.666-3.666 0-2.022 1.645-3.667 3.667-3.667s3.668 1.645 3.668 3.667-1.646 3.666-3.667 3.666zM2.834 4.56c.7 0 1.27.572 1.27 1.272 0 .7-.57 1.27-1.27 1.27-.7 0-1.27-.57-1.27-1.27 0-.7.57-1.27 1.27-1.27zM15.19 3h-1.16c-.366-.735-.82-2.125-1.988-2.125H8.5c-.856 0-1.2.656-2.302 2.125H4.25v-.354c0-.566-.515-1.062-1.102-1.062h-.67c-.554 0-1.042.496-1.042 1.052l-.01.384C.26 3.145 0 3.916 0 4.573v7.358c0 1.077.66 1.693 1.81 1.693h13.38c1.15 0 1.81-.616 1.81-1.692V4.574c0-.718-.314-1.575-1.81-1.575"></path></svg><span class="css-ew42y0-StyledFigCaptnText e13f1dd24"><span class="css-1vt5x9l-Captn e13f1dd23">Hugh Sheridan and Zoe Cramond on the set of Packed to the Rafters.</span><span> Cred: <!-- -->Supplied<span>/</span>Seven</span></span></figptn></figure><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">When his relatnship wh the man broke down he started seeg a woman, but was too embarrassed to tell anyone about his past. </p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“After movg to Sydney to attend NIDA, I fally met a guy who I nnected wh emotnally, mentally and physilly,” he said. </p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“I was over the moon — I uld fally be what people always wanted me to be, so I told everyone.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“In return, I was told that if I was anythg but straight I’d never fd work, and that I need to hi my new-found love.</p><figure class="css-73bizd-StyledFigure e1e1fc3"><picture class="e1e1fc2 image css-2skhu5-PictureWhIntrsicRat-StyledArticleImage eosncpx0"><source data-rat="3456:5184" media="(m-width: 0px)" srcSet=" 100w, 150w, 250w, 320w, 414w, 500w, 640w, 828w, 1024w" siz="(max-width: 767px) 100vw,(m-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1020px) 100vw,668px"/><img src=" alt="### EMBARGO## FOR U ON SUNDAY QLD## DO NOT USE BEFORE SEP 8 ### Hugh Sheridan pos for a photo at Bowen Hills 3rd July 2018 Conner Boatman , Hugh Sheridan and Johnny Manuel are the California Crooners Club who will be performg at the Spiegeltent for the Brisbane Ftival. Photo AAP/ Ric Frearson" class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-d9jo32-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In</tle><path d="M10.27 11.623c-2.02 0-3.666-1.644-3.666-3.666 0-2.022 1.645-3.667 3.667-3.667s3.668 1.645 3.668 3.667-1.646 3.666-3.667 3.666zM2.834 4.56c.7 0 1.27.572 1.27 1.272 0 .7-.57 1.27-1.27 1.27-.7 0-1.27-.57-1.27-1.27 0-.7.57-1.27 1.27-1.27zM15.19 3h-1.16c-.366-.735-.82-2.125-1.988-2.125H8.5c-.856 0-1.2.656-2.302 2.125H4.25v-.354c0-.566-.515-1.062-1.102-1.062h-.67c-.554 0-1.042.496-1.042 1.052l-.01.384C.26 3.145 0 3.916 0 4.573v7.358c0 1.077.66 1.693 1.81 1.693h13.38c1.15 0 1.81-.616 1.81-1.692V4.574c0-.718-.314-1.575-1.81-1.575"></path></svg><span class="css-ew42y0-StyledFigCaptnText e13f1dd24"><span class="css-1vt5x9l-Captn e13f1dd23">### EMBARGO## FOR U ON SUNDAY QLD## DO NOT USE BEFORE SEP 8 ### Hugh Sheridan pos for a photo at Bowen Hills 3rd July 2018 Conner Boatman , Hugh Sheridan and Johnny Manuel are the California Crooners Club who will be performg at the Spiegeltent for the Brisbane Ftival. Photo AAP/ Ric Frearson</span><span> Cred: <!-- -->News Corp Atralia</span></span></figptn></figure><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“To add to the nfn, the two mentors who told me this were openly gay themselv; they were earntly tryg to protect me and did ed have my bt terts at heart. That was jt the realy.”</p><div class="hi-prt ad-no-notice css-qyun7f-StyledAdUnWrapper ezkyf1c0"><div hidn="" class="css-ka2gzg-StyledCenter ezkyf1c3"><div class="css-k85b03-StyledNotice ezkyf1c2"><div class="ad-article-mrec-two css-ok8w0n-StyledAdUn ezkyf1c4" hidn=""></div></div></div></div><figure class="css-73bizd-StyledFigure e1e1fc3"><picture class="e1e1fc2 image css-haagtk-PictureWhIntrsicRat-StyledArticleImage eosncpx0"><source data-rat="4000:2677" media="(m-width: 0px)" srcSet=" 100w, 150w, 250w, 320w, 414w, 500w, 640w, 828w, 1024w" siz="(max-width: 767px) 100vw,(m-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1020px) 100vw,668px"/><img src=" alt="Actor Hugh Sheridan and sger Pli." class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-d9jo32-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In.